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Podcast | Supporting Mental Health: Building Faith in Communities

Corin smiling and talking to a group of people

Podcast | Supporting Mental Health: Building Faith in Communities

A positive conversation about mental health need
In the fifth episode of our Beyond Funding podcast series, we’re joined by the inspirational, Corin Pilling, UK National Director for Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries. We discuss the current mental health need in the UK and the crucial role churches, communities, and individuals play in supporting those who are struggling.
This podcast explores the impact of the pandemic and the current economic landscape, and why young people have been particularly affected in recent years. Despite the challenges we’re facing, Corin has a positive and proactive mindset when it comes to talking about mental health; and shares practical ways we can help each other in times of need.
Join us as Corin discusses the support available and gives us his recommendations for helpful resources.
The fifth Beyond Funding podcast: ‘Supporting Mental Health: Building Faith in Communities’ is available on Youtube and Spotify.

Links and references: 
Association of Christian Counsellors: acc-uk.org 
Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ // Helpline: 116 123 
Sane Line: https://www.sane.org.uk/ // 0300 124 7900 
Suicide prevention helpline: https://www.spuk.org.uk/ // Helpline: 0800 689 5652 
Corin Pilling

Corin Pilling

UK National Director, Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries

If people do need clinical help and they’re having to wait for it, the best thing we can do is be a supportive community to people who are in that position. We can’t solve that shortage, but we can be talking about it, be aware of it. We can think of the best practical and pastoral response to it.
Corin Pilling, UK National Director for Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries

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