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Making a positive difference to people’s mental health

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Making a positive difference to people’s mental health

Published: 24 March 2022
Launching our new thematic programme: ‘Brighter Lives’
The effects of the pandemic have had a huge impact on people’s mental health. What was already a big problem across our communities has become even more concerning, with support services stretched like never before.
It’s this post-pandemic landscape and our ongoing commitment to addressing some of our most difficult and problematic social issues, that has led us to creating our latest thematic grants programme: Brighter Lives
Brighter Lives is focused on helping Christian organisations to respond to the long-term impact of Covid-19 on people’s mental health, through greater training, resources and support.
The programme covers three main project areas:
• Supporting existing or emerging specialist services provided by churches and Christian charities for people struggling with mental health issues. Our focus is on the most vulnerable who may struggle to access support elsewhere. For example, counselling or similar therapeutic services, which could be delivered in-person, online or by phone. 
• Enabling Christian organisations to train, equip and resource churches and Christian charities to provide: 
– enhanced mental health awareness and/or mental health first aid
– appropriate mental health and wellbeing support groups and services.
• Programmes to support the personal mental health and wellbeing of clergy and other church leaders/workers who may be suffering, particularly post-pandemic. 
Our funding is for the people who are making the difference
Churches and Christian charities can apply for funding through our website (where there’s also plenty of guidance available to help groups make their application as detailed and effective as possible).
We live in challenging and difficult times, and Benefact Trust is more committed than ever to making a positive and transformative impact on society. But the real difference is made by the people who provide the services and support – the churches, charities and volunteers. Brighter Lives will increase training and resources to help support the most vulnerable people in our communities.
Guidance on how to apply for funding
Could your church or charity (and the people you support) benefit from our Brighter Lives funding? 
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Once you've identified which grant is right for you, taken a look at how to apply and formed a project plan, it's potentially time to start your funding journey
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As a Trust, our ability to support and fund so many worthwhile causes, is made possible by the hard work of the award-winning specialist financial businesses that make up Benefact Group – which gives all its available profits to the Trust, sustaining our giving. As a part of the Benefact Group each business, whether it be in specialist insurance, investment management, broking or advisory shares the Trust’s ethos of giving back.